Friday, March 6, 2009

Yellow Light Means Speed Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RED LIGHT......... Means STOP!!!!!!!
YELLOW LIGHT....... means SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!
GREEN LIGHT....... means GO!!!!

When we are in a hurry to go some where and we are facing traffic lights itsa very frustrating to have to stop a a red light. We just want to keep going, so when we see a yellow light we put our foot on the gas pedal and floor it so that we do not get stuck at the red light. I think that a lot of people myself included forgot that when a light turns yellow we are supposed to slow down. When you are sitting at a red light and it turns green you go expecting the on coming traffic to follow the law and slow down and stop at their yellow and red. But what if the one person thinks they could make it through the light and runs their red light and hits you when you go. You end up having an accident. How would you feel being the one to run the red light and hit the other car. We need to pay attention and be accontable for our actions. If you are that person who speeds up when you see a yellow light slow down. It can cost you your life or others. Vehicles are dangerous. To the one who slow down and follow the law Thank you!!!!!

The car above is a product of someone running a red light and hitting my husband as he proceded to go threw a green light. Thankfully no one was hurt but this is definently an eye opener. Slow Down you are not running so late that it is worth the risk of your life and others to speed up.

Do you rent you home?

I have never had it easy with Landlords. When there is a promblem they never come fix it right away and my family suffers. We as tenants have rights to have maintainace work done in a mannerly fashion. Just as if we were to break somthing on the property we would have to fix it in an appropriate amount of time before further damage occurs. Now why would the landlord be held to the same accord. If you are having a problem i encourage you not to sit back and take the landlords word for things. Check your state laws and regulations. You are a paying customer to these people they owe you to keep a safe home for you and your family. That is why you are paying rent right? If you bought something that didn't work you would take it back and demand your money back so why would you do the same for the home you are providing for your children and family. Landlords can not treat you any way they want just because they are the home owners. You are paying them to use the house as a home for your family. So if there is a problem to be fix and it is not fix in a timeley manner stand up for your family let your voice be heard. Check you state laws and start inforcing the landlord to do what you are paying him to do.

I say all this cause I have recently had problems with my landlord. My pipes were frozen or busted. I do not know but. I went two days without running water and I had to stand up to my landlord for him to take any action. It is inhumane to live without water for that long. It would be one thing if I did not pay the bill and it was shut off. then that would be on my sholders but when there is something wrong with the pipes. Thats the lanlords problem. I found out in my state they have 24 hours to fix problems like these or provide me with a safe enviroment until they are able to fix it.

Please get everthing in writing. Document everting that you landlord does to fix the problem and everting they do to avoid fixing the problem. Protect you self . please don't make excuse for the landlord. you are the victim not them. If you don't then it is your fault and your family will pay the price.