Yesturday my children and I spent the enitre day at Mt. Trashmore. We had a great time but I couldn't help but notice that some people have no common since. There were several good things that happened that made me say WOW!! there are actually some decent people around town but then there were others that made me think this is whats wrong with our world. Ok here goes...... what do you think
Event #1
My children and I found a nice quiet shady corner to picnic in, so we set up camp. As the kids were eating I was reading to them. It was quiet enjoyable. Then along came this lady on her cell phone. She seemed to be by her self. She sat at the table directly beside us and was loudly talking on her cell phone about how inconvenite it was for her to have to pick her child up from visitation at her fathers every weekend in Maryland. That he needed to get ober it and stick her on a plane so that she didn't have ton take off work and she could just send the sitter to get her. The kids and I just finish our food and went to the play ground. My thoughts Why would you come to a playground where kids are and sit by a family that is having an enjoyable time while conversating about how inconveniat you child is.
Event #2
As we were ariving to the park so was a school bus full of kids. I thought nothing of it more kids having fun. Well that was until Mikey was sitting on the tire swing and Camille ran to get me from the bathroom to let me know that the tire swing was free and asked if I could push them. I happily said yes and ran out of the bathroom to find Mikey standing of the tire swing watching the school kids being push by a teacher. He told me " mommy I was trying to share the swing and the lady told me she not respinsible for me and I had to get off. I had it first mommy and I was waiting for you". I Told him " its ok we will be here all day long and the school kids would not cause they had to go back to the school eventually so the nice thing to do and what God would want him to do was share." He ran off and played everything was ok. My thoughts the school should not bring kids to public parks if they can't share. Look what public schools are teaching our kids.
All the kids from the public school ran up the hill so that freed up the tire swing and of course the kids noticed. " Mommy can you push us". the kids asked. As I was pishing them there was a little boy sitting on the side that I let get on the swing not from the public school his daddy asked if I was ok ok pushing I said yea its no problem. But i could help but notice the little child left behind from the school group sitting on the side waiting to get on the swing. I asked if he was ok and where his teacher was he pointed to the hill and said I am waiting to get on the swing. My thoughts Why didn't the school notice that this little boy was left behind shouldn't he be with the group. Here are our tax dollars at work.
Event #4
Mikey had found I friend to play with. They were runnig through the park playing. I was sitting talking to his mother. The little boy was nice enough to share his cars with Mikey. Then the both came running over saying they lost a car Mikey had thrown it and they could not find it. The mom was very kind and said its ok hes got tons of them and he allways lose at least one every time he comes. they found it, but It was very generious of the little boy to share. My thought were Thank God there are nice people in this world.
I was having a conversation with another mom and we were talking about kids going to school and the actions of children parents and teachers. The lady tells me she scared about when her son goes to school cause they accpect them to know so much in kindergarden and that the teachers accpect the parents to do all the work. in told her thats why i choose to homeschool my children cause I was doining it anyways. They go to school for 6 to 8 hours a day then have to come home and do another four hours of school work. Why do that they need to be children. So three to five hours a day we have school woork and the rest of the time they get to be children. The Lady continued telling me that she had a friend whose son was in kidergarden three time when they found out he had autism and the parents were furious because the teachers should have caught it sooner. This lady continued to tell me that thats what scool system are paid to do take care of our children and notice are childrens problems. My thoughts We are the parents we are supposed to notice these things we are there providers not the teachers. Whyare parents no longer responsible for there children any more.
Event #6
There was a mom with twins that were probably a little over a year old and she was by her self. The little girls wanted to slide and mom was having a hard time trying to help them both at the same time, so another mother came over with her little boy and helped her out. I thought this was so cute and amazing.
Event #7
The dad helping his son on the Monkey Bars. It was the cutest thing. The little boy was about three and reached for the mokey barsDad went over and picked him up and was trying to teach him to leave one arm on one bar and put the other on the next bar. The little boy was hang on and swinging back and forth thats all he wanted to do and have dad carry him back and forth to the next bar. His mom and i were standing there craking up because it was so funny this little boy had his dad wraped around his finger. Thats the way it should be though.
We have good in our society but we also have so much bad and it makes you think what is going on in this world. Where di kindness go to. What happen to parents being parents. Why all the sudden is society responsible for the way our children are brought up. When do we as parents stand up and say I am the parents of this child I will raise him or her to be a decent humanbeing and society is not going to stop me.
Why do we suddenly not have time for the children God has given us. Why are we giving birth to children if we are just going to toss them of on to other people to be responsible for. If you are a parent please don't expect society to teach you child you teach them tellk them how important being a good parent is. There is hope for the futre of our children. Stop letting other people raise them you raise them or you shouldn't be a parent at all.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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1 comment:
I agree wholeheartedly with your philosophy. Chilren today are left to their own devices and 'a child left to itself will bring shame to its mother'. Father's have left the homes and abandoned their duties to rear their children in the admonition fo the Lord.'
The blood will be on their hands. they dont see that now but they will. Pray for our children.
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