Friday, February 27, 2009


I have been ill for the past couple of weeks and it was terrible. Sniffles, dripping noses, scratchy throat, and so much chicken noodle soup that you don't want to eat any more. What about the good points of being sick. I love my husband and children treating me like I was a baby and taking care of almost every thing( except laundry). My loving husband made me homemede chicken noodle soup that was delicous. and letting me nap around the clock. Well I do have to say one thing though being sick when you are a non-smoker is a lot better than being sick when you are a smoker. I remember last year when I was sick ( I smoked a pack or more a day) i would be coughing up my lungs. I had all sorts of broncial problems and was so close to getting anmonia that it was not funny. I always get sicker than anyone in my family does when I get sick. I am missing two parts of my immuinsystem.( appendix, and spleen) Both of these play a part in keeping you well. When I get sick it hits me like a ton of bricks. It wasn't bad this time though because I am not a smoker any more. My sickness used to drag out for two three weeks when I smoked and to top it all off I always felt like I was going to die. My lungs felt like the were on fire and my chest was going to cave in. I would never be able to keep chicken soup down because I was coughing so much that I couldn't breath.

When I was sick this past week it was still bad but nothing compared to the times I was a smoker. My lungs never felt like they were choking me. I never got a cough. I just had a really bad sinus drainage. I felt nothing in my chest or lungs. I could acctually enjoy the chicken noodle soup and it was very comforting. Thank you baby for making me your magical chicken noodle soup.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Sorry you have been so sick. I hope you are feeling much better now!
