Meet Mikey
Mikey is now six years old. he was born August 17th,2002. Last year on November 17th( yes one year ago today) Mikey was hit by an F350. The worst call a mother can get at work. This day started of as a normal day. I left and went to work and later that day my husband droped the kids of with my mom ( about 2:30). I was at work and we were pretty busy, when I recieved the phone call a mother never wants to receive. My mom was watching the kids and went inside to get Camille( my daughter some water) when Mikey went in the street to get the cat. He was hit by a truck. My mom called me at work about 3:15 and ask are you able to leave work. I got a scared feeling in my gut. then I said slowly why?. She replied I think hes going to be ok but Mikey was hit by a truck. I imediatley droped the phone leaving my customer and screamed my son got hit by a truck I got to go. Running out the back door of the shop. I the flew down a 25 mile an hour street @ 80mph. No gas in my tank me and God started talking. I made it to my moms house right before the ambulance left and saw my little boy laying there saying I wanna go home. We arived at the hospital and waiting for test took forever it had seemed. The Doctor came back and said Ok the good news is there is no broken bones and the bad news is that he had bleedinging in the head and they were going to send him to the childrens hospital. I was a mess but he was worse. Poor guy. This was the worst and the best day of my life. The doctors kept himm in ICU over night and then when the tested him in the morning the bleeding started going down. He was in the hospital for five days and released. By time he left the hospital he had the nurses wrapped around his fingers. It was amazing hit by a truck and survived to tell about it. God definetely played a part in this miracle. Out of the hospital to celabrate thanksgiving. A thankful one indeed. Mikey is one on Gods many miracles. And today I celeabrate his life and everyone elses life. You never know when it will be you time to leave this earth so don't take advantage of it. There is always positive in everything. No matter what the situation. That is why I say that this day was the worse but best day of my life. I trueley accepted God on this day. Anyone who saves my sons life deserves my belief and faith in them. If I had any doubts about God they are all gone. Mikey chose to accept God in his life on August 17th 2008, his sixth birthday. He was baptisted by his choose. Now today and everyday we should celebrate Life.
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