What happened to dinner and a Movie. Well Saturday we all woke up about 9:30 when my loving husband opened every blind in the house letting the bright sun in. It was so cold in the house that he was just trying to warm it up. So we all get up and we were all bundled under blankets when Paul says you guys want to watch a movie. Of course we did but nothing would top it off more than pancakes with the movie. So we went to the store and got the makings. As I was making the pancakes my mom called and I left the pancakes on the griddle. I aske Paul the take them off and put more on. I came back to the pancakes and look there was a heart. How sweet. Brunch and a heart I felt loved. So we got bacon, sausage and pancakes done and ate and watched Alvin and the chipmonks. Then later we went to the mall and walked around. We had some sales people giving us a hand massage wouldn't take no for answer then tryed to sell us the stuff we said no. Then after our walk in the mall and crazy sales people, we came home and watched Wall.E. Funny movie you should watch it. See in all of our crazyness God gave us one good day for us to have Family Day it was great. Charish the moments watch movies with the kids. Don't send them to the other room to watch something else why you watch you TV show. Make it a family event.

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