Friday, November 14, 2008

"my family" or "MY FAMILY"

"my family" or " MY FAMILY" is there a difference? Yes I have discovered that there is. Hold on before you call the looney bin and have me comitted please let me explain.

"my family" they are the family that I enjoyed growing up. Growing up I had 3 sisters. Kristinia, Kimberly, Kaitlynn and I grew up with our two loving parents. I remember my mom stayed home with us while my dad worked two or three jobs supporting us. Even though my dad worked hard he alway found time to play hide in go seek his way. Mom and us girls went on bike rides and hide from dad, then dad would get on his motorcyle to find us. We then raced him back (5 mph) the person back first got a motorcyle ride with dad and we told hime where to go. And my mom she was a great sacrificer. Her shoes would be talking but her and dad still found the money and time to walk a brand new bike up to the school on our birthday. This was a great childhood with good memories. Now we have all grown up and started Families of our own. This leading me to............

" MY FAMILY" started 10 years ago when my baby girl Camille was born. Sortly after my dad gave me away to my husband Paul. It will be 8 years DEC 9th. then 6 years ago we added on to "OUR FAMILY" Paul jr. was born. (Mikey). Now we have a family of our own. I didn't completley put this together until this past year I have been doing a lot of soul searching and critical thinking. Maybe even over thinking. But a year ago Mikey got hit by a truck and God saved him. I almost lost part of "MY FAMILY" and God saved him. And in the past six months I have relized a great truth about me. I have been selfish. My husband gave up his "family" to make a "FAMILY" with me but I did not give up" my family" for him. I have always been the one to know everything about everyone but my husband. I tried to please everyone no matter what the cost. I have know relized that no matter how much I try the people that are "my family" are not the ones I should be pleasing and putting first, but instead I should be pleasing and embrassing "MY FAMILY" . My parents gave me to Paul 8 years ago but I did not give myself fully to him. I have know in the past two months been giving myself fully to him and my children. We are now building our Family and I have learned more about my husband in the past two months than I have in the past eight years.
We both like our pot pies cooked in the oven and not microwaved and we both love the turkey one. I didn't know. It took eight years. Thank you God for waken me up and giving me " MY FAMILY". Paul- N- ME

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