Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grandmas Day Out

This was Grandma Sleeping. She is the center of the long and extended Allen Family. She is one of Gods gifts to this family. Her favorite song is "This is the day that the Lord has made". When we were kids she would drive us to church every Sunday. We would always sing this is the day. The other songs were "If Your Happy and you Know It", " Jesus loves me" , "Hes got the whole would in hios hands" and many other fun songs. She always knew how to have fun. She has brighten my life and my childrens life. I hope that God watches over her as she is struggling with her health.

When I was four I broke my arm and my grandma sat by my bedside in the hospital to give my parents a brake. Then ( i don't remember how old I was) when my parents both had strep throat at the same time she came and babysat us four girls to help them out. No winning or complaining she just did it because she loved us so much. She has become mine and my childrens best friend. The food pantry is dedicated to her at the church. Every year for her birthday and for christmas she would ask for food for the food pantry. She was always thinking of everyone else. And today before I left her house I stood the children beside her and took a picture and she said what she said to us growing up " A bushell and a peck and a hug around the neck". It was a happy peacefull visit. God told me she's going to be ok. Just by the smile on her face.

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