Grandma Allen was a wonderful woman. She was one of a kind. She was more than just a Grandma she was a mother, sister, firend, and grandmother to everyone she meat. When I was growing up I remember her taking us shoping every year before school to get new shoes and new clothes. And then again at easter time. Several times she would make new outfits for us. She was an amaizing woman. Every Sunday she would pick us four girls up for church and take us to church. She love Family and food. That means Family get togethers. If there was something to celebrate grandma would celebrate it. everyones Birthday and whn I say eveyone I mean everyone. She would celebrate all the holidays even Mothers day and fathers day. Family was important to her. She gave tramendously to the churches food pantry. She had to make sure everyone was feed. And how many Grandmas or great grandmas do you know that will sit on the floor and play with the kids. well thats my Grandma. Know She is with God and in my heart forever and she has deffinetly made an impression on me. Thank you God for Grandma and all the wonderfull memories.
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