Wednesday, January 28, 2009

That is so true

Please check out my Aunt Shellys blog about Hard Core Parenting.
What she says is so true. Your children listening to you the first time not the second or the third could cost them their lives.When you are at home in you household you think it is safe to give them the old 1,2,3 routine or time out but what happens when you go out in public. They think they get the same three chances but all it take is that one time not listening to you the parent and they are gone or picking up something strange off the floor and placing it in there mouth or even the worst possible situation get hit by a car in the parking lot. This could mean the end of their life. Why because they thought its ok to disobey mommy or daddy two times when they say don't run in the parking lot, hold my hand, stay out of the middle of the street. when in reality the first time they don't listen "WACK" they have been hit. Why did I get hit the child mutter Mommy didn't get to three. I got lucky and so did my son when he was hit by a truck. I got a second chance and so did he. No more one, two, three. Its do or die.

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