Watch this and you will get your answer if you don't already know. Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This is how I ended my year
Say Cheese

Happy New Year From all the Kids

My Mom and Camille making advent ornements for the tree

The kids are decorating cookies it was a
funn mess. It was a lot of sugared up kids.

We played Uno for four hours

Paul Me and The kids playing Uno it was a blast.

The kids opening gift on Christmas morning
they were taking turns and sharing with each
other. Not gift counting like years in the past

Happy New Year From all the Kids
My Mom and Camille making advent ornements for the tree
The kids are decorating cookies it was a
funn mess. It was a lot of sugared up kids.
We played Uno for four hours
Paul Me and The kids playing Uno it was a blast.
The kids opening gift on Christmas morning
they were taking turns and sharing with each
other. Not gift counting like years in the past
What is your New Years resolution?
Last year at this time I was managing a hair salon and trying to juggle 20 things at a time. I thought that I was showing my children that you can do anything that you put your mind to (i was teaching them that money was the most important thing in our lives). I always get depressed this time of year because, I am alway working and trying to find time to spend with my children during their Christmas break, but it never happened. Every time my job said jump I said how high and every time my husband or children said jump I said later I am to tiered. I was upset at my husband for not supporting us when I just couldn't put him first. He was doing all he could and I was just to selfish wanting it all. i wanted managenment so bad that I didn't care what it was doing to my family. Last year I made a resolution to be a better manager and lose weight. Well it is the end of the year and I am a stay at home mom and I homeschool my children. I have been threw a lot of trails and errors this year but when it comes down to it I got what I asked for. I am a better manager (Of my home) and I did lose weight ( the weight of a stressful job). It amazing how that worked. Well I finally had a wonderful Christmas. I have to say it was one of the best ever. And this year as the clock srikes 12 I will be holding my children and husband and making a new resolution I hope that in the year of 2009 I get to know my children and husband and spend every moment I can with them. What you resolution. Is it greed or greatness.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Santa Clause is not Coming to town
This year is the first year my husband and I are unable to give to our children for christmas. I have really come to realize the true meaning of this holiday is not Santa is is JESUS. My baby sister has told me that so that the kids do not have to go without she would provide gifts for us to mark FROM SANTA under our tree so the kids do not have to go with out a christmas. I apprieciate my sister so much however I plan on telling the kids the truth of where the gifts came from Their Aunt Kaity not Santa. we have in the past month been learning the true meaning of christmas and I use to think the idea of Santa was fun and harmless but Santa is evil. I will enjoy christmas with my kids with or with out gifts. I love my christmas tree this year because we have made it an advent tree and hung several bible verses on it learning a new story or two every day. This has truely been fun and the most memorable christmas ever. I am not dreading Christmas this year like every year. I say bring it on Let JESUS be born and lets learn about his birth and his miricles. It only takes one person to get ride of SANTA and accept JESUS and the rest will follow. How can any one resist our Savior.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Money, Money, Money!
I am sick of money it is the root of every problem. You or your spouse works till you drop at a job you may or may not enjoy. Then when you get you pay check from that job you can barley support you family with that money cause Uncle Sam has taken half of it already. Then when you put your money in the bank for safe keeping it is not even safe there. The courts and the banks allow and person or company that you owe debt to to come in and garnesh that whole bank account leaving you and you family with out anything to live off of. Well this is what I think God will always find a way. for you no matter what just trust in him and money wont matter. I have come up with a simple logic to all of this money madness.
Jesus healed the sick....... he got hung on the cross
Doctor heal the sick......... they get half your pay check or more
Jesus made the blind see........ He got hund on the cross
Doctors help the blind see........ They get half you pay check or more
Jesus listen to our problems.......... He got hung on the cross
Doctors listen to our problems......... They get half our pay check or more
Jesus was born............. He got hung on the cross
Santa was born................ he takes half our pay check or more
Jesus Died on the Cross for us
We wait up on Christmas Eve for Santa who proffits off of Jesus.
Instead of Worshiping Santa This year Why Don't we Worship our Savior Jesus Christ.
He did a lot for us with out worry of MONEY. So why do we need MONEY to believe in him. God has truely blessed me in many different ways he loves and protects my children every day. I would like to do the same for him and love and protect his son that died for me. What are you doing christmas eve. I am picking up the bible and learning something new about my savior. Then I will make him milk and cookies not SANTA.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Jesus
Are you Celebrating Christmas or Jesus's birthday. We don't know the excact date that Jesus was born or the day he died. What we know is that he is Gods son and he gave his life for our sins. What are you doing to celebrate Jesus's life. Have you accepted God into your heart. Do you live the way Jesus would like you to live. Maybe that would be a good birthday gift to Jesus. Pick up your Bible turn to a page and start reading then apply what you read to your life. Do this everyday in remembrance of him. Jesus is our Savior. John 3:16 tells us that God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that who soever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. Ask you self one thing "If you were to get hit by a bus today would you have eternal life"?
Friday, December 5, 2008
welcome our new leader
Please watch this and tell me what you think cause I don't know what to think of this.
what are you thankful for
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Missing Books in the BIBLE?
I was watching TV the other day and I saw that there was a show on called " Lost Books Of the Bible." I was courious and started watching it. After about 5 minutes I started to get really confused so I changed the channel. I then hoped on the computer and typed in missing books of the Bible. I started to get even more confused. So I looked at the Bible I had and said what is wrong with me I have not completely ready this Bible why am I worried about other peoples theorys that there are books that are not put in the Bible when I have not completely enjoyed the one that I have. I couldn't even remember all the books in the Bible. I am just now learning and enjoying all the different stories in the Bible. This was an eye opener. Everyone in this world myself included are always looking for more than what they have and more than whats there. We do not take the time to enjoy what we have and some times its to late before we do. So before you try getting bigger and better look at what you have and enjoy that and then when God wants you to have more he will give it to you. So as far as the Missing Books from the Bible, only God can answer that and for now I will enjoy My Bible that I have with my children.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Where Did I Go
I have not posted in a couple days. I have been a little busy. "well silly that no excuse to keep anyone waiting". Well let me show you and tell you what I have been up to. First of all the tire in my van popped, and we had to go tire searching and money searching and sanity searching. HAHA! My husband had to call in sick cause there was no way to work. My cousin Justin came to our rescue and took my hubby to the store to get a crow bar. I was very thankful. JuJu to the rescue. So we were able to change the tire to a donut. On top off all this a had an enormous headache, migraine whatever it was.I felt like the world was coming to an end what could happen next. Well thankfully we found a tire at the junk yard the next day. Yea tire problem fixed. Yea right so we thought. It would have been fixed had the whole at the bottom of my drive way not been there to pop the tire again. So we were on the interstate when everything came to a stop Traffic Jamm What could happen next we get a flat tire. Ok so I am so upset about this tire thing standing on the side of the interstate on a cold day not fun. There is good in everything though I am thankful the traffic came to a stop otherwise we would have been going at least 55 mph hour and I don't even want to know the results if that were the case. See God does take care of us we just have to be thankful for the little things and stop looking for the big sign because its right there in front of you. Something big is alway all the little things put into one then it be. We were little once and thats when we thought things were peaceful. Know that we are big we have to look at the little things for oue peace.
In the middle of all this tire mess the kids and I tried to keep on our learning track keeping to our schedule. Ok we don't have a schedule but were learn something everyday. I was teaching Mikey long vowels and short vowels and the diference between them both. ( i was teaching myself to) Anyways while all of this crazy tire mess was happening I was questioning him about long vowels and short vowels ( just in case you didn't know a long vowel make its own sound and a short vowel doesnt). I asked Mikey if the vowels in Paul were long vowels or short, He sai " the L makes it a long vowel because it makes it own sound listen pauLLLLLL." I corrected him and told him that L was not a vowel while I was trying to contain my laugh and he says But mom if it were a vowel. It was the laugh I needed during this crazy tire mess. And Camille has been doing a lot of dishes this week I am so greatful for them both. God works through us and through our children so don't blow them of because you think you don't have the time you day is hecktic enough without there sillyness. Well there sillyness is Gods way of helping you have a smile on your face.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Grandmas Day Out
When I was four I broke my arm and my grandma sat by my bedside in the hospital to give my parents a brake. Then ( i don't remember how old I was) when my parents both had strep throat at the same time she came and babysat us four girls to help them out. No winning or complaining she just did it because she loved us so much. She has become mine and my childrens best friend. The food pantry is dedicated to her at the church. Every year for her birthday and for christmas she would ask for food for the food pantry. She was always thinking of everyone else. And today before I left her house I stood the children beside her and took a picture and she said what she said to us growing up " A bushell and a peck and a hug around the neck". It was a happy peacefull visit. God told me she's going to be ok. Just by the smile on her face.
I am in Time Out (can't you tell)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Celebrating Life

Meet Mikey
Mikey is now six years old. he was born August 17th,2002. Last year on November 17th( yes one year ago today) Mikey was hit by an F350. The worst call a mother can get at work. This day started of as a normal day. I left and went to work and later that day my husband droped the kids of with my mom ( about 2:30). I was at work and we were pretty busy, when I recieved the phone call a mother never wants to receive. My mom was watching the kids and went inside to get Camille( my daughter some water) when Mikey went in the street to get the cat. He was hit by a truck. My mom called me at work about 3:15 and ask are you able to leave work. I got a scared feeling in my gut. then I said slowly why?. She replied I think hes going to be ok but Mikey was hit by a truck. I imediatley droped the phone leaving my customer and screamed my son got hit by a truck I got to go. Running out the back door of the shop. I the flew down a 25 mile an hour street @ 80mph. No gas in my tank me and God started talking. I made it to my moms house right before the ambulance left and saw my little boy laying there saying I wanna go home. We arived at the hospital and waiting for test took forever it had seemed. The Doctor came back and said Ok the good news is there is no broken bones and the bad news is that he had bleedinging in the head and they were going to send him to the childrens hospital. I was a mess but he was worse. Poor guy. This was the worst and the best day of my life. The doctors kept himm in ICU over night and then when the tested him in the morning the bleeding started going down. He was in the hospital for five days and released. By time he left the hospital he had the nurses wrapped around his fingers. It was amazing hit by a truck and survived to tell about it. God definetely played a part in this miracle. Out of the hospital to celabrate thanksgiving. A thankful one indeed. Mikey is one on Gods many miracles. And today I celeabrate his life and everyone elses life. You never know when it will be you time to leave this earth so don't take advantage of it. There is always positive in everything. No matter what the situation. That is why I say that this day was the worse but best day of my life. I trueley accepted God on this day. Anyone who saves my sons life deserves my belief and faith in them. If I had any doubts about God they are all gone. Mikey chose to accept God in his life on August 17th 2008, his sixth birthday. He was baptisted by his choose. Now today and everyday we should celebrate Life.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A year ago when Mikey was hit by a truck he had just been to the Monster Truck show the day before, so this year to celebrate his beining saved and to have a little family fun we had planed to take the kids to the monster truck show. Much to our surprise when we showed up and went to buy the tickets they were sold out. could you imagine how devistated the kids were, they broke into tears. Not two seconds later they had a smile on their face when their daddy assured them it would be ok and we are here together as a family there is other things to do. So we didn't let this ruin our night we drove around Hampton collisium Mall and found a cinema cafe. Perfect. Dinner and Movie. What more can you ask for. Ok so we went and Watched Madacascar 2 (good movie) Before the movie started we ordered the kids pizza and us hambergers. We were hungry. I couldn't help but notice after orders were brought to us (not by our waitress) that did not belong to us, that the movie was half over and our food had not yet arived. The kids both at this time agnoliged that they were hungry also. Now we are more than half way through the movie and a waitress finally comes by and ask how are you guys. I said we are still waiting for our food. She replied oh no. Then we quickly got drinks n popcorn but no meal. We are still making the most of this night and enjoying the movie. Me I was cuddled in Pauls arms and the kids right beside us laughing away. Movie almost over everone recieving their checks we finally get our food. Its was so good, but i didn't even get one bite of my burger when the waitress was shoving the bill in our face. The bill was shoved at us three times before we finished our food and we barley finished before the movie ended. We were last out of the theater. With all this we still had a fun family night. I had decided to let the manager know what was going on before I paid the bill, not to not pay my bill the food was good, but simply to find out if this was normal service and to let him know about the problem. He was so wonderful and took half off our bill. I was so greatful. We had a great night despite the set backs and for half the price. God knows how to make situations better you just have to let him.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
"my family" or "MY FAMILY"
"my family" or " MY FAMILY" is there a difference? Yes I have discovered that there is. Hold on before you call the looney bin and have me comitted please let me explain.
"my family" they are the family that I enjoyed growing up. Growing up I had 3 sisters. Kristinia, Kimberly, Kaitlynn and I grew up with our two loving parents. I remember my mom stayed home with us while my dad worked two or three jobs supporting us. Even though my dad worked hard he alway found time to play hide in go seek his way. Mom and us girls went on bike rides and hide from dad, then dad would get on his motorcyle to find us. We then raced him back (5 mph) the person back first got a motorcyle ride with dad and we told hime where to go. And my mom she was a great sacrificer. Her shoes would be talking but her and dad still found the money and time to walk a brand new bike up to the school on our birthday. This was a great childhood with good memories. Now we have all grown up and started Families of our own. This leading me to............
" MY FAMILY" started 10 years ago when my baby girl Camille was born. Sortly after my dad gave me away to my husband Paul. It will be 8 years DEC 9th. then 6 years ago we added on to "OUR FAMILY" Paul jr. was born. (Mikey). Now we have a family of our own. I didn't completley put this together until this past year I have been doing a lot of soul searching and critical thinking. Maybe even over thinking. But a year ago Mikey got hit by a truck and God saved him. I almost lost part of "MY FAMILY" and God saved him. And in the past six months I have relized a great truth about me. I have been selfish. My husband gave up his "family" to make a "FAMILY" with me but I did not give up" my family" for him. I have always been the one to know everything about everyone but my husband. I tried to please everyone no matter what the cost. I have know relized that no matter how much I try the people that are "my family" are not the ones I should be pleasing and putting first, but instead I should be pleasing and embrassing "MY FAMILY" . My parents gave me to Paul 8 years ago but I did not give myself fully to him. I have know in the past two months been giving myself fully to him and my children. We are now building our Family and I have learned more about my husband in the past two months than I have in the past eight years.
We both like our pot pies cooked in the oven and not microwaved and we both love the turkey one. I didn't know. It took eight years. Thank you God for waken me up and giving me " MY FAMILY". Paul- N- ME
"my family" they are the family that I enjoyed growing up. Growing up I had 3 sisters. Kristinia, Kimberly, Kaitlynn and I grew up with our two loving parents. I remember my mom stayed home with us while my dad worked two or three jobs supporting us. Even though my dad worked hard he alway found time to play hide in go seek his way. Mom and us girls went on bike rides and hide from dad, then dad would get on his motorcyle to find us. We then raced him back (5 mph) the person back first got a motorcyle ride with dad and we told hime where to go. And my mom she was a great sacrificer. Her shoes would be talking but her and dad still found the money and time to walk a brand new bike up to the school on our birthday. This was a great childhood with good memories. Now we have all grown up and started Families of our own. This leading me to............
" MY FAMILY" started 10 years ago when my baby girl Camille was born. Sortly after my dad gave me away to my husband Paul. It will be 8 years DEC 9th. then 6 years ago we added on to "OUR FAMILY" Paul jr. was born. (Mikey). Now we have a family of our own. I didn't completley put this together until this past year I have been doing a lot of soul searching and critical thinking. Maybe even over thinking. But a year ago Mikey got hit by a truck and God saved him. I almost lost part of "MY FAMILY" and God saved him. And in the past six months I have relized a great truth about me. I have been selfish. My husband gave up his "family" to make a "FAMILY" with me but I did not give up" my family" for him. I have always been the one to know everything about everyone but my husband. I tried to please everyone no matter what the cost. I have know relized that no matter how much I try the people that are "my family" are not the ones I should be pleasing and putting first, but instead I should be pleasing and embrassing "MY FAMILY" . My parents gave me to Paul 8 years ago but I did not give myself fully to him. I have know in the past two months been giving myself fully to him and my children. We are now building our Family and I have learned more about my husband in the past two months than I have in the past eight years.
We both like our pot pies cooked in the oven and not microwaved and we both love the turkey one. I didn't know. It took eight years. Thank you God for waken me up and giving me " MY FAMILY". Paul- N- ME
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