Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A song to Paul
I heard this song on the radio while I was droping a letter off at the post office for Paul. I thought of him. This song descibes him perfectly. I just call him MINE>
A song from my Soldier
Paul wrote me a letter from boot camp and told me that hes herd this song several times and told me to listen to it. Beware its a tear jerker get some tissues.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
My Baby in the Army

A year ago my husband and I made the biggest decision we ever made in our lives. PAUL JOIN THE ARMY. It was a thought at the beginig of our marriage 9 years ago but was never in the cards for it to happen. I was begining to think that again we we had a hard time cutting 1 inch of my husbands waist but finially in April of this year it happened and his orders were given for October 13th for him to ship out. I was upset and excited all in the same breath. Why so far away we had been waiting for this forever.( or so it seemed). But then the excitement came over me its going to happen we did it. I had to be patience something lots of people including myself lack a little of. Patience> Well I haven't posted alot in the past six months because I have been lacking up all the time I can with my HUBBY. Now hes of to boot camp and I miss him like crazy. Last week on my Birthday he texted me this picture.I was so excited i had him in my cell phone and now i sleep with it everynight. I miss him so much. By time this is over we will finally have finacial stability and we can worry more about whats important and less about stupid money.Thank you Baby for taking so good care of us.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
How to save money in todays economy?
I was talkimg to my Aunt yesturday and after our conversation I realized in the past year I have come up with so many way to save money that your family can take advantages of. Maybe mom doesn't have to work anymore if you try some of these money saving ideas.
>you should buy in bulk. There are several bulk store.(SAMS, BJ, Costcos) you spend more up front but you save tons later. here a few examples.
Penne' noodles are 2 or 3 bucks for a 2 pound box at the regular store but if you get it from a bulk store it cost 5 or 6 bucks and you get 6 or 7- 2 pound bags. So do you want to spend 6 bucks or 12 to 18 bucks in the long run. This will lat you a couple months too. You save 6 to 12 dollars.
Frozen Pizza a the reguler store cost 6 to 7 bucks a pizza but if you go to bulk store you get 3 pizzas for 12 bucks. so do you want to spend 18 to 21 bucks or do you want to spend 12 bucks. This wil save you 6 to 9 dollars. Not to mention what you have saved from not ordering delivery Pizza.
Chicken at the regular stor you spend $12 for 6 small chicken breast that can feed a family of four 1 time or you can get a bulk of chicken that has 6 to 9 big pieces that can feed a family of four 3 to 9 times depending on what you make. You $12 for each extra meal.
Rice is $2 for a 2 pound bag that $25 for 25 pounds.At th bulk store its $10 for a $25 bag. Thats a $15 savings.
Now that you have saved about $50 you can take me out to eat. HAHA!!!
There are several other food saving that way but let me move on...
Next your bills..
RENT>>>>> are you a family of 4 living in a 5 bedroom spending $2200 dollar or more on a roof over your head.... whats wrong with you you don't need that much space... move into a 3 bedroom house that cost half the money. Then you moms can really see what your teenagers are up to and they wont need those cell phone to call you on the other side of the house. ( but that another issues about parenting so I will stick to money issues) ok now you have save $1000 dollars on living and $100 bucks on cell phone.
Electricity>>>>> pay your bill on time save yourself the $15 dollar a month electric bill.. when you move to your smaller house you will save $100 to $200 on electricity. Turn lights off Open Windows.get out of your house and do outside activities. These are ways to save nickles and dime on your electric bill but they add up. also big TV eat up electricity even when you aren,t using them and with the money you save buy swithing to a smaller TV you can afford to get a deep freezer to hold your bulk food in.
Cable>>>> do you really need all the channels. Save some money only get the basics. If theres a show you like to watch that is on a paid channel only get that channel and then cancel it when the series ends. Get it in a bulk combination with your phone andinternet it will save you on all bills.
Phone>>>> if you are a long distance caller you need a company that gives you a plan with unlimited long distance. its a big saver trust me.. get it with you cable it cheaper that way to.
ok now on to the kids
there clothes>>> thrift store shop kids love and you save hundreds on shoping and also when you get them a brand new outfit for there birthday they appriciate it more.
Daycare>>>>> don't send them ytoull save 1 or 2 hundred dollrs a week.
Ok Now on to GAS
fill up your tank each time.STOP put $5 to $10 bucks in. You spend more up front but let me show you a break down. if you put $10 dollars 50 miles out of it. after doing that 4 times you have spent $40 and got 200 miles out of that or you can spend $40 in the first place and fill your tank and get 400 miles out of it. Do this and you save you self $40 in thew long run.
Ok I have several more things but try these for starters. MOM CAN STAY HOME NOW>
>you should buy in bulk. There are several bulk store.(SAMS, BJ, Costcos) you spend more up front but you save tons later. here a few examples.
Penne' noodles are 2 or 3 bucks for a 2 pound box at the regular store but if you get it from a bulk store it cost 5 or 6 bucks and you get 6 or 7- 2 pound bags. So do you want to spend 6 bucks or 12 to 18 bucks in the long run. This will lat you a couple months too. You save 6 to 12 dollars.
Frozen Pizza a the reguler store cost 6 to 7 bucks a pizza but if you go to bulk store you get 3 pizzas for 12 bucks. so do you want to spend 18 to 21 bucks or do you want to spend 12 bucks. This wil save you 6 to 9 dollars. Not to mention what you have saved from not ordering delivery Pizza.
Chicken at the regular stor you spend $12 for 6 small chicken breast that can feed a family of four 1 time or you can get a bulk of chicken that has 6 to 9 big pieces that can feed a family of four 3 to 9 times depending on what you make. You $12 for each extra meal.
Rice is $2 for a 2 pound bag that $25 for 25 pounds.At th bulk store its $10 for a $25 bag. Thats a $15 savings.
Now that you have saved about $50 you can take me out to eat. HAHA!!!
There are several other food saving that way but let me move on...
Next your bills..
RENT>>>>> are you a family of 4 living in a 5 bedroom spending $2200 dollar or more on a roof over your head.... whats wrong with you you don't need that much space... move into a 3 bedroom house that cost half the money. Then you moms can really see what your teenagers are up to and they wont need those cell phone to call you on the other side of the house. ( but that another issues about parenting so I will stick to money issues) ok now you have save $1000 dollars on living and $100 bucks on cell phone.
Electricity>>>>> pay your bill on time save yourself the $15 dollar a month electric bill.. when you move to your smaller house you will save $100 to $200 on electricity. Turn lights off Open Windows.get out of your house and do outside activities. These are ways to save nickles and dime on your electric bill but they add up. also big TV eat up electricity even when you aren,t using them and with the money you save buy swithing to a smaller TV you can afford to get a deep freezer to hold your bulk food in.
Cable>>>> do you really need all the channels. Save some money only get the basics. If theres a show you like to watch that is on a paid channel only get that channel and then cancel it when the series ends. Get it in a bulk combination with your phone andinternet it will save you on all bills.
Phone>>>> if you are a long distance caller you need a company that gives you a plan with unlimited long distance. its a big saver trust me.. get it with you cable it cheaper that way to.
ok now on to the kids
there clothes>>> thrift store shop kids love and you save hundreds on shoping and also when you get them a brand new outfit for there birthday they appriciate it more.
Daycare>>>>> don't send them ytoull save 1 or 2 hundred dollrs a week.
Ok Now on to GAS
fill up your tank each time.STOP put $5 to $10 bucks in. You spend more up front but let me show you a break down. if you put $10 dollars 50 miles out of it. after doing that 4 times you have spent $40 and got 200 miles out of that or you can spend $40 in the first place and fill your tank and get 400 miles out of it. Do this and you save you self $40 in thew long run.
Ok I have several more things but try these for starters. MOM CAN STAY HOME NOW>
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
What is going on in our society?
Yesturday my children and I spent the enitre day at Mt. Trashmore. We had a great time but I couldn't help but notice that some people have no common since. There were several good things that happened that made me say WOW!! there are actually some decent people around town but then there were others that made me think this is whats wrong with our world. Ok here goes...... what do you think
Event #1
My children and I found a nice quiet shady corner to picnic in, so we set up camp. As the kids were eating I was reading to them. It was quiet enjoyable. Then along came this lady on her cell phone. She seemed to be by her self. She sat at the table directly beside us and was loudly talking on her cell phone about how inconvenite it was for her to have to pick her child up from visitation at her fathers every weekend in Maryland. That he needed to get ober it and stick her on a plane so that she didn't have ton take off work and she could just send the sitter to get her. The kids and I just finish our food and went to the play ground. My thoughts Why would you come to a playground where kids are and sit by a family that is having an enjoyable time while conversating about how inconveniat you child is.
Event #2
As we were ariving to the park so was a school bus full of kids. I thought nothing of it more kids having fun. Well that was until Mikey was sitting on the tire swing and Camille ran to get me from the bathroom to let me know that the tire swing was free and asked if I could push them. I happily said yes and ran out of the bathroom to find Mikey standing of the tire swing watching the school kids being push by a teacher. He told me " mommy I was trying to share the swing and the lady told me she not respinsible for me and I had to get off. I had it first mommy and I was waiting for you". I Told him " its ok we will be here all day long and the school kids would not cause they had to go back to the school eventually so the nice thing to do and what God would want him to do was share." He ran off and played everything was ok. My thoughts the school should not bring kids to public parks if they can't share. Look what public schools are teaching our kids.
All the kids from the public school ran up the hill so that freed up the tire swing and of course the kids noticed. " Mommy can you push us". the kids asked. As I was pishing them there was a little boy sitting on the side that I let get on the swing not from the public school his daddy asked if I was ok ok pushing I said yea its no problem. But i could help but notice the little child left behind from the school group sitting on the side waiting to get on the swing. I asked if he was ok and where his teacher was he pointed to the hill and said I am waiting to get on the swing. My thoughts Why didn't the school notice that this little boy was left behind shouldn't he be with the group. Here are our tax dollars at work.
Event #4
Mikey had found I friend to play with. They were runnig through the park playing. I was sitting talking to his mother. The little boy was nice enough to share his cars with Mikey. Then the both came running over saying they lost a car Mikey had thrown it and they could not find it. The mom was very kind and said its ok hes got tons of them and he allways lose at least one every time he comes. they found it, but It was very generious of the little boy to share. My thought were Thank God there are nice people in this world.
I was having a conversation with another mom and we were talking about kids going to school and the actions of children parents and teachers. The lady tells me she scared about when her son goes to school cause they accpect them to know so much in kindergarden and that the teachers accpect the parents to do all the work. in told her thats why i choose to homeschool my children cause I was doining it anyways. They go to school for 6 to 8 hours a day then have to come home and do another four hours of school work. Why do that they need to be children. So three to five hours a day we have school woork and the rest of the time they get to be children. The Lady continued telling me that she had a friend whose son was in kidergarden three time when they found out he had autism and the parents were furious because the teachers should have caught it sooner. This lady continued to tell me that thats what scool system are paid to do take care of our children and notice are childrens problems. My thoughts We are the parents we are supposed to notice these things we are there providers not the teachers. Whyare parents no longer responsible for there children any more.
Event #6
There was a mom with twins that were probably a little over a year old and she was by her self. The little girls wanted to slide and mom was having a hard time trying to help them both at the same time, so another mother came over with her little boy and helped her out. I thought this was so cute and amazing.
Event #7
The dad helping his son on the Monkey Bars. It was the cutest thing. The little boy was about three and reached for the mokey barsDad went over and picked him up and was trying to teach him to leave one arm on one bar and put the other on the next bar. The little boy was hang on and swinging back and forth thats all he wanted to do and have dad carry him back and forth to the next bar. His mom and i were standing there craking up because it was so funny this little boy had his dad wraped around his finger. Thats the way it should be though.
We have good in our society but we also have so much bad and it makes you think what is going on in this world. Where di kindness go to. What happen to parents being parents. Why all the sudden is society responsible for the way our children are brought up. When do we as parents stand up and say I am the parents of this child I will raise him or her to be a decent humanbeing and society is not going to stop me.
Why do we suddenly not have time for the children God has given us. Why are we giving birth to children if we are just going to toss them of on to other people to be responsible for. If you are a parent please don't expect society to teach you child you teach them tellk them how important being a good parent is. There is hope for the futre of our children. Stop letting other people raise them you raise them or you shouldn't be a parent at all.
Event #1
My children and I found a nice quiet shady corner to picnic in, so we set up camp. As the kids were eating I was reading to them. It was quiet enjoyable. Then along came this lady on her cell phone. She seemed to be by her self. She sat at the table directly beside us and was loudly talking on her cell phone about how inconvenite it was for her to have to pick her child up from visitation at her fathers every weekend in Maryland. That he needed to get ober it and stick her on a plane so that she didn't have ton take off work and she could just send the sitter to get her. The kids and I just finish our food and went to the play ground. My thoughts Why would you come to a playground where kids are and sit by a family that is having an enjoyable time while conversating about how inconveniat you child is.
Event #2
As we were ariving to the park so was a school bus full of kids. I thought nothing of it more kids having fun. Well that was until Mikey was sitting on the tire swing and Camille ran to get me from the bathroom to let me know that the tire swing was free and asked if I could push them. I happily said yes and ran out of the bathroom to find Mikey standing of the tire swing watching the school kids being push by a teacher. He told me " mommy I was trying to share the swing and the lady told me she not respinsible for me and I had to get off. I had it first mommy and I was waiting for you". I Told him " its ok we will be here all day long and the school kids would not cause they had to go back to the school eventually so the nice thing to do and what God would want him to do was share." He ran off and played everything was ok. My thoughts the school should not bring kids to public parks if they can't share. Look what public schools are teaching our kids.
All the kids from the public school ran up the hill so that freed up the tire swing and of course the kids noticed. " Mommy can you push us". the kids asked. As I was pishing them there was a little boy sitting on the side that I let get on the swing not from the public school his daddy asked if I was ok ok pushing I said yea its no problem. But i could help but notice the little child left behind from the school group sitting on the side waiting to get on the swing. I asked if he was ok and where his teacher was he pointed to the hill and said I am waiting to get on the swing. My thoughts Why didn't the school notice that this little boy was left behind shouldn't he be with the group. Here are our tax dollars at work.
Event #4
Mikey had found I friend to play with. They were runnig through the park playing. I was sitting talking to his mother. The little boy was nice enough to share his cars with Mikey. Then the both came running over saying they lost a car Mikey had thrown it and they could not find it. The mom was very kind and said its ok hes got tons of them and he allways lose at least one every time he comes. they found it, but It was very generious of the little boy to share. My thought were Thank God there are nice people in this world.
I was having a conversation with another mom and we were talking about kids going to school and the actions of children parents and teachers. The lady tells me she scared about when her son goes to school cause they accpect them to know so much in kindergarden and that the teachers accpect the parents to do all the work. in told her thats why i choose to homeschool my children cause I was doining it anyways. They go to school for 6 to 8 hours a day then have to come home and do another four hours of school work. Why do that they need to be children. So three to five hours a day we have school woork and the rest of the time they get to be children. The Lady continued telling me that she had a friend whose son was in kidergarden three time when they found out he had autism and the parents were furious because the teachers should have caught it sooner. This lady continued to tell me that thats what scool system are paid to do take care of our children and notice are childrens problems. My thoughts We are the parents we are supposed to notice these things we are there providers not the teachers. Whyare parents no longer responsible for there children any more.
Event #6
There was a mom with twins that were probably a little over a year old and she was by her self. The little girls wanted to slide and mom was having a hard time trying to help them both at the same time, so another mother came over with her little boy and helped her out. I thought this was so cute and amazing.
Event #7
The dad helping his son on the Monkey Bars. It was the cutest thing. The little boy was about three and reached for the mokey barsDad went over and picked him up and was trying to teach him to leave one arm on one bar and put the other on the next bar. The little boy was hang on and swinging back and forth thats all he wanted to do and have dad carry him back and forth to the next bar. His mom and i were standing there craking up because it was so funny this little boy had his dad wraped around his finger. Thats the way it should be though.
We have good in our society but we also have so much bad and it makes you think what is going on in this world. Where di kindness go to. What happen to parents being parents. Why all the sudden is society responsible for the way our children are brought up. When do we as parents stand up and say I am the parents of this child I will raise him or her to be a decent humanbeing and society is not going to stop me.
Why do we suddenly not have time for the children God has given us. Why are we giving birth to children if we are just going to toss them of on to other people to be responsible for. If you are a parent please don't expect society to teach you child you teach them tellk them how important being a good parent is. There is hope for the futre of our children. Stop letting other people raise them you raise them or you shouldn't be a parent at all.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Yellow Light Means Speed Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RED LIGHT......... Means STOP!!!!!!!
YELLOW LIGHT....... means SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!
GREEN LIGHT....... means GO!!!!
When we are in a hurry to go some where and we are facing traffic lights itsa very frustrating to have to stop a a red light. We just want to keep going, so when we see a yellow light we put our foot on the gas pedal and floor it so that we do not get stuck at the red light. I think that a lot of people myself included forgot that when a light turns yellow we are supposed to slow down. When you are sitting at a red light and it turns green you go expecting the on coming traffic to follow the law and slow down and stop at their yellow and red. But what if the one person thinks they could make it through the light and runs their red light and hits you when you go. You end up having an accident. How would you feel being the one to run the red light and hit the other car. We need to pay attention and be accontable for our actions. If you are that person who speeds up when you see a yellow light slow down. It can cost you your life or others. Vehicles are dangerous. To the one who slow down and follow the law Thank you!!!!!
The car above is a product of someone running a red light and hitting my husband as he proceded to go threw a green light. Thankfully no one was hurt but this is definently an eye opener. Slow Down you are not running so late that it is worth the risk of your life and others to speed up.
Do you rent you home?
I have never had it easy with Landlords. When there is a promblem they never come fix it right away and my family suffers. We as tenants have rights to have maintainace work done in a mannerly fashion. Just as if we were to break somthing on the property we would have to fix it in an appropriate amount of time before further damage occurs. Now why would the landlord be held to the same accord. If you are having a problem i encourage you not to sit back and take the landlords word for things. Check your state laws and regulations. You are a paying customer to these people they owe you to keep a safe home for you and your family. That is why you are paying rent right? If you bought something that didn't work you would take it back and demand your money back so why would you do the same for the home you are providing for your children and family. Landlords can not treat you any way they want just because they are the home owners. You are paying them to use the house as a home for your family. So if there is a problem to be fix and it is not fix in a timeley manner stand up for your family let your voice be heard. Check you state laws and start inforcing the landlord to do what you are paying him to do.
I say all this cause I have recently had problems with my landlord. My pipes were frozen or busted. I do not know but. I went two days without running water and I had to stand up to my landlord for him to take any action. It is inhumane to live without water for that long. It would be one thing if I did not pay the bill and it was shut off. then that would be on my sholders but when there is something wrong with the pipes. Thats the lanlords problem. I found out in my state they have 24 hours to fix problems like these or provide me with a safe enviroment until they are able to fix it.
Please get everthing in writing. Document everting that you landlord does to fix the problem and everting they do to avoid fixing the problem. Protect you self . please don't make excuse for the landlord. you are the victim not them. If you don't then it is your fault and your family will pay the price.
I say all this cause I have recently had problems with my landlord. My pipes were frozen or busted. I do not know but. I went two days without running water and I had to stand up to my landlord for him to take any action. It is inhumane to live without water for that long. It would be one thing if I did not pay the bill and it was shut off. then that would be on my sholders but when there is something wrong with the pipes. Thats the lanlords problem. I found out in my state they have 24 hours to fix problems like these or provide me with a safe enviroment until they are able to fix it.
Please get everthing in writing. Document everting that you landlord does to fix the problem and everting they do to avoid fixing the problem. Protect you self . please don't make excuse for the landlord. you are the victim not them. If you don't then it is your fault and your family will pay the price.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Are our Pets more Human than We are!
I saw this video and my heart dropped this dog kept getting hit by cars that would not stop to help but the other dog risked his life to save a fellow friend. How many of us stop to help another friend. Do you take the time out of your busy life to make sur that that one friend getting hit over and over is free. Or Are the dogs better than us? Would you pull over to the side of the road on a busy highwayto save a human being hit? Would you pull over and save an animal? What if you hit the animal would you stop? or Would you keep going like these people did?
I have been ill for the past couple of weeks and it was terrible. Sniffles, dripping noses, scratchy throat, and so much chicken noodle soup that you don't want to eat any more. What about the good points of being sick. I love my husband and children treating me like I was a baby and taking care of almost every thing( except laundry). My loving husband made me homemede chicken noodle soup that was delicous. and letting me nap around the clock. Well I do have to say one thing though being sick when you are a non-smoker is a lot better than being sick when you are a smoker. I remember last year when I was sick ( I smoked a pack or more a day) i would be coughing up my lungs. I had all sorts of broncial problems and was so close to getting anmonia that it was not funny. I always get sicker than anyone in my family does when I get sick. I am missing two parts of my immuinsystem.( appendix, and spleen) Both of these play a part in keeping you well. When I get sick it hits me like a ton of bricks. It wasn't bad this time though because I am not a smoker any more. My sickness used to drag out for two three weeks when I smoked and to top it all off I always felt like I was going to die. My lungs felt like the were on fire and my chest was going to cave in. I would never be able to keep chicken soup down because I was coughing so much that I couldn't breath.
When I was sick this past week it was still bad but nothing compared to the times I was a smoker. My lungs never felt like they were choking me. I never got a cough. I just had a really bad sinus drainage. I felt nothing in my chest or lungs. I could acctually enjoy the chicken noodle soup and it was very comforting. Thank you baby for making me your magical chicken noodle soup.
When I was sick this past week it was still bad but nothing compared to the times I was a smoker. My lungs never felt like they were choking me. I never got a cough. I just had a really bad sinus drainage. I felt nothing in my chest or lungs. I could acctually enjoy the chicken noodle soup and it was very comforting. Thank you baby for making me your magical chicken noodle soup.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Oh No I Lost!
I just realized that I have been so busy that I haven't had time to write on my blog. Let me tell you what I have been up to. Last Wednesday January 28th I weighed my self and Yikes!!!!!!!! I weighed 290 pounds. I have started to eat healthier before this but was to afraid to weigh myself, so I hoped on the scale and did it. I am proud to tell you that I weighed myself again this week and I am down 10 pounds. I am excited. Ok because diets in the past have always failed me I have chosen to not be on a diet I am just simply changing my diet and my lifestyle to make me happier and healthier. I have my three personal trainers. (WHAT IN THE WORLD YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY FOR THAT). I don't have money for the gormet food I have been eating either OH! but I do. Let me tell you what I have been doing.
First I am going to tell you abount my Trainers:
Trainer#1 Paul my loving yet firm husband.
Trainer#2 Camille my beautiful daughter
Trainer#3 Mikey well you just gotta know him!
Now I am going to tell you about my work out program:
Best work out ever Teach your child how to ride a bike:
You have to run with them to get them started and then you let go and they just put their feet down. Ask Mikey he thought it was funny!!!! HEHEHE!!!
Next Is racing Paul and Camille up the Stairs at Mount Trash More ( a local city park) They won but I made it up and down. Wow!!!! That hurt my legs but FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!
And the most rewarding was the whole Family working out and having fun to some of the work out DVDS I bought. ( cheap ones nothing fantsy) We made it fantsy though.
Several walks through the mall making sure to walk up and down every stair case their was. and the last tip park as far away from the doors when you are going to the store as you can.
It didn';t even seem like I was working out.
Now My eating habbits:
I love my food and that is no secret so having "diet food" is not my cup of tea. These are some reciepies that I used that are Gormet Food and when I tell you how they are made you will know why. Now I can't promise that all these recipes are low fat or low calories or even low carbs. What I will tell you is only eat one helping and put your food away imediatley after you eat. this assures you don't come back for seconds and thirds and it also gets you up of your bumm so that you are sitting and your food digest better. I am not a doctor so I can't tell you that for a fact these are just things I am doing.
Recipies from me to you:
Italian Dressing
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons fres chopped parsely
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
2 garlic cloves chopped
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper
and a pinch of oregano
Have your children mesure the ingredients while you do the chopping of the garlic and parsely. who cares if they put to little or to much its dressing It will be more loving. They have a fun time doining it. If you don't have a kid go borrow you neighbors! HEHEHE!
Honey Mustard
4 tablespoons of Mustard
2 tablespoons of honey
This can be all made by the kids give them the mustard and the honey and let them have fun. If they make a mess who cares you have delicious honey mustard suace or dressing
Aunt Shelly Bread Dressing
8 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 Teaspoons combine of any itailian spices
basil, oregano, rosemary etc
1/4 teaspoon of crushed red pepper
2 or 3 grated garlic cloves
Shake it up and spread it on your bread MM good. Kids can do this to. My children call it the aunt shelly dressing cause this is where we first learned about this dressing at her house one day for dinner or lunch she had them help her whipp it up. See she borrowed my kids you can borrow others to. This way you can have a gormet meal to.
Chicken Sald
First you are going to the chicken breast and put between two pieces of saran wrap and make sure to season them to your taste. Then you pound the chicken kinda like tenterizing it then grill it. While thats cooking have the kids throw together a salad with the lettuce of your choice
Add the chicken and wala you have a yummy salad. Top with dressing from above.
Chicken shish cabobb
Chicke breast chopped into bite size pieces
Fresh rosemary sticks
use the rosemary as the stick and slide the peices of chicken on it. Them place Chicken on grill or scillet. Top with dressing from above. This is good. Kids can put the chicken on the sticks dinner will be done in 20 min top.
1 pound ground turkey
package of sausage
can of sketti sauce or your homemade sauce
2 cans dices tomatoes
Angle hair noodles
Loaf of bread
cook the ground turkey and sauage together add spices to your taste. when cooked fully add Sauce and Dices tamatoes. While this is cooking Make the noodles in a seperat pot. Use Aunt Shellys bread dressing with the loaf of bread and wowsers.
After evry meal I put evrything away that way I am not tempted to continue eating. I keep sugar free gum and sugar free pudding around for when I need a snack and I don't go to bed after I eat. This helps keep my mind away from food and I find things to do with my kids.
Stay Tuned for my my updates on my Lifestyle change and Kids activities to keep you busy.
First I am going to tell you abount my Trainers:
Trainer#1 Paul my loving yet firm husband.
Trainer#2 Camille my beautiful daughter
Trainer#3 Mikey well you just gotta know him!
Now I am going to tell you about my work out program:
Best work out ever Teach your child how to ride a bike:
You have to run with them to get them started and then you let go and they just put their feet down. Ask Mikey he thought it was funny!!!! HEHEHE!!!
Next Is racing Paul and Camille up the Stairs at Mount Trash More ( a local city park) They won but I made it up and down. Wow!!!! That hurt my legs but FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!
And the most rewarding was the whole Family working out and having fun to some of the work out DVDS I bought. ( cheap ones nothing fantsy) We made it fantsy though.
Several walks through the mall making sure to walk up and down every stair case their was. and the last tip park as far away from the doors when you are going to the store as you can.
It didn';t even seem like I was working out.
Now My eating habbits:
I love my food and that is no secret so having "diet food" is not my cup of tea. These are some reciepies that I used that are Gormet Food and when I tell you how they are made you will know why. Now I can't promise that all these recipes are low fat or low calories or even low carbs. What I will tell you is only eat one helping and put your food away imediatley after you eat. this assures you don't come back for seconds and thirds and it also gets you up of your bumm so that you are sitting and your food digest better. I am not a doctor so I can't tell you that for a fact these are just things I am doing.
Recipies from me to you:
Italian Dressing
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons fres chopped parsely
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
2 garlic cloves chopped
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper
and a pinch of oregano
Have your children mesure the ingredients while you do the chopping of the garlic and parsely. who cares if they put to little or to much its dressing It will be more loving. They have a fun time doining it. If you don't have a kid go borrow you neighbors! HEHEHE!
Honey Mustard
4 tablespoons of Mustard
2 tablespoons of honey
This can be all made by the kids give them the mustard and the honey and let them have fun. If they make a mess who cares you have delicious honey mustard suace or dressing
Aunt Shelly Bread Dressing
8 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 Teaspoons combine of any itailian spices
basil, oregano, rosemary etc
1/4 teaspoon of crushed red pepper
2 or 3 grated garlic cloves
Shake it up and spread it on your bread MM good. Kids can do this to. My children call it the aunt shelly dressing cause this is where we first learned about this dressing at her house one day for dinner or lunch she had them help her whipp it up. See she borrowed my kids you can borrow others to. This way you can have a gormet meal to.
Chicken Sald
First you are going to the chicken breast and put between two pieces of saran wrap and make sure to season them to your taste. Then you pound the chicken kinda like tenterizing it then grill it. While thats cooking have the kids throw together a salad with the lettuce of your choice
Add the chicken and wala you have a yummy salad. Top with dressing from above.
Chicken shish cabobb
Chicke breast chopped into bite size pieces
Fresh rosemary sticks
use the rosemary as the stick and slide the peices of chicken on it. Them place Chicken on grill or scillet. Top with dressing from above. This is good. Kids can put the chicken on the sticks dinner will be done in 20 min top.
1 pound ground turkey
package of sausage
can of sketti sauce or your homemade sauce
2 cans dices tomatoes
Angle hair noodles
Loaf of bread
cook the ground turkey and sauage together add spices to your taste. when cooked fully add Sauce and Dices tamatoes. While this is cooking Make the noodles in a seperat pot. Use Aunt Shellys bread dressing with the loaf of bread and wowsers.
After evry meal I put evrything away that way I am not tempted to continue eating. I keep sugar free gum and sugar free pudding around for when I need a snack and I don't go to bed after I eat. This helps keep my mind away from food and I find things to do with my kids.
Stay Tuned for my my updates on my Lifestyle change and Kids activities to keep you busy.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
That is so true
Please check out my Aunt Shellys blog about Hard Core Parenting.
What she says is so true. Your children listening to you the first time not the second or the third could cost them their lives.When you are at home in you household you think it is safe to give them the old 1,2,3 routine or time out but what happens when you go out in public. They think they get the same three chances but all it take is that one time not listening to you the parent and they are gone or picking up something strange off the floor and placing it in there mouth or even the worst possible situation get hit by a car in the parking lot. This could mean the end of their life. Why because they thought its ok to disobey mommy or daddy two times when they say don't run in the parking lot, hold my hand, stay out of the middle of the street. when in reality the first time they don't listen "WACK" they have been hit. Why did I get hit the child mutter Mommy didn't get to three. I got lucky and so did my son when he was hit by a truck. I got a second chance and so did he. No more one, two, three. Its do or die.
Please check out my Aunt Shellys blog about Hard Core Parenting.
What she says is so true. Your children listening to you the first time not the second or the third could cost them their lives.When you are at home in you household you think it is safe to give them the old 1,2,3 routine or time out but what happens when you go out in public. They think they get the same three chances but all it take is that one time not listening to you the parent and they are gone or picking up something strange off the floor and placing it in there mouth or even the worst possible situation get hit by a car in the parking lot. This could mean the end of their life. Why because they thought its ok to disobey mommy or daddy two times when they say don't run in the parking lot, hold my hand, stay out of the middle of the street. when in reality the first time they don't listen "WACK" they have been hit. Why did I get hit the child mutter Mommy didn't get to three. I got lucky and so did my son when he was hit by a truck. I got a second chance and so did he. No more one, two, three. Its do or die.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Do you have an addiction?
There are several addictions in this world? I have been face with several in my own life time. When you think of addiction what comes to mind. Alcohol, cigerettes, drugs, caffine, or even work, but what about FOOD?
When you are addicted to alcohol you are an alcoholic. You indulge yourself with alcohol on any occation. Many alcoholics don't even know when they have been consumed by this addiction until they have hit rock bottom and lost everything. When an alcoholic is recovering there are many free programs for support that people go through to over come this addiction. And then there are those hidden alcoholics that hide it from everyone and you wouldn't even know. I went through a period in my life that I was consumed by alcohol. My husband and I would party all the time with are friends adn then wake up the next morning with hang overs. We would come up with all sorts of drinking games. I eventually could out drink every person at all the parties that we had and I wouldn't even have a hang over in the morning. We lived to drink and party. I got pregnant with my son and couldn't drink any more this was the end of our party days. I couldn't drink so nobody else could it would make me sick. That was the easy way to recover from being a hidden drinker. After I had Mikey I didn't go back to the heavy drinking I had been doing before, I would just have a drink every know and again. This is when everything in my marraige started to fall apart. I moved to Texas with my husband to try to fix things, but that will be another story for another day; however we stayed their for 6 months and came back to Virginia Beach. Are relationship was still not perfect, but we keep pushing it aside for a rainy day. I would cover my pain with alcohol and drink my pain away. Then one of the worst days in my life happened. It started off as a normal day I went to work that day and my husband and I were supposed to go to a coworkers party afterwards, but we couldn't go together because we had no sitter for the kids. I went by myself. We were having marriage problems at this time so I was ok to go by myself I got a free night. Little did I lnow the unexpected would happen. I was drugged and raped that night. I still don't remember all the details about that night they come to me in bits and pieces at all different times. After 4 1/2 years I still hurt over this night and the choices that I made. After I was raped I don't remember much up until I was sitting in the foriensic lab being pocked and proded at. I felt like I was being raped all over again. I was then given pills for any kinds of STDs that I have may have come in contact with and then i was given a morning after pill. I choose not to take it at the office and then after crying and throwing up I made the choice to take the pills. I don't believe in killing an unborn child no matter how it comes to you but I took these pills and have regreted it ever since. The month after I had a really bad menstral cyle. I don't know wheather that was all or if it was a miscarige. Honestley I didn't want to. I couldn't live with myself if I did. I blame myself for that night and for the events that happened. i made the choices that I did and my fate was made. I didn't think I deserved good things in my life. I pushed my husband away and thought of evey negative thing that I could. I couldn't think of any positive in my life I didn't deserve it. I hurt family when I went to Texas and this was my pay back for choices that I had made in my life. I started to fell like I didn't deserve a good marriage or even my children. I made excusses and blamed my husband for everything bad in our life. I laid in bed at night and kept trying to remember and forget the tradgic details of that night. I found comfort in alcohol and drank when everyone was asleep or I would say I was staying late at work just to go to the bar and have a couple drinks. I thought this would hide the pain. I accused my husband of having an affair just to make it ok to leave him. I couldn't find happiness. 6 months later I moved to my parents and told my husband he couldn't have me back until we went through marriage counseling and parenting classes. We went threw these classes and counseling sections but I still didn't believe that I deserved happiness. For the first time in our marriage we had comunnication. I slowed down my drinking at this point, but I then picked up smoking and I ate and ate. I was over weight before, but I didn't think I deserved better. I still have not bared my real pain of that night what haunts me everyday of my life and what I have a hard time living with. Did I kill a living being. I have forgiven the person who raped me, but I can not seem to forgive myself for taking that pill. There are nights that I stay awake all night long wondering.
Then there is these two addictions that went hand and hand for me smoking and working. I threw myself into my work hoping that I would cover this pain. Finding an excuses to smoke when ever I could. I didn't believe that I would be good enough for my kids. I loved them and always have loved them, but work covered my pain, so I thought. When I almost lost Mikey last year my life turned upside down. a pack of cigs a day. I was Thankful that he was saved and only hasd a few bruises. I didn't understand though Why? how does a 5 year old get hit by a F350 and live to talk about it. I realized God forgave me and my son was very blessed. I still sometime stay up and think about the awful things in my life but I don't work and I don't smoke anymore. I just eat.
My life now couldn't be any better I have two beautiful children that I am lucky enough to home school and a husband who loves me so much I am trying to look at everything in a brighter more positive light. There are those days that I don't think I deserve it and I eat. I have an addiction to Food and it haunts me. I have to get past all my past emotional beggage so that I can be healthy enough to live and see my babies grow up. How do I stop eating when does food stop being comforting. Food has been my addiction since way back and I will find any excuse to eat. I eat when I am happy, sad, lonely and when I don't deserve anything I have.
Today I am getting rid of my emotional beggage and starting my life forgiving myself for this aweful night. I do deserve life. I deserve health and I deserve happiness. I am done being a victim I want my life back. And Food will not run it. "I can do anything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need."(Phillippians 4:13)
I am doing this with my loving husband he and I have made a bet with each other to see who looses the most weight. We will weigh each other each week who ever loses the most get a healthy dinner prepared by the other one. I am hoping this is a new beging to my life. Every day is a new day and is a gift thats why it is called the present. Yesturday is history and tomorrow is a mystery but today is a present. I am no longer living in the past.
When you are addicted to alcohol you are an alcoholic. You indulge yourself with alcohol on any occation. Many alcoholics don't even know when they have been consumed by this addiction until they have hit rock bottom and lost everything. When an alcoholic is recovering there are many free programs for support that people go through to over come this addiction. And then there are those hidden alcoholics that hide it from everyone and you wouldn't even know. I went through a period in my life that I was consumed by alcohol. My husband and I would party all the time with are friends adn then wake up the next morning with hang overs. We would come up with all sorts of drinking games. I eventually could out drink every person at all the parties that we had and I wouldn't even have a hang over in the morning. We lived to drink and party. I got pregnant with my son and couldn't drink any more this was the end of our party days. I couldn't drink so nobody else could it would make me sick. That was the easy way to recover from being a hidden drinker. After I had Mikey I didn't go back to the heavy drinking I had been doing before, I would just have a drink every know and again. This is when everything in my marraige started to fall apart. I moved to Texas with my husband to try to fix things, but that will be another story for another day; however we stayed their for 6 months and came back to Virginia Beach. Are relationship was still not perfect, but we keep pushing it aside for a rainy day. I would cover my pain with alcohol and drink my pain away. Then one of the worst days in my life happened. It started off as a normal day I went to work that day and my husband and I were supposed to go to a coworkers party afterwards, but we couldn't go together because we had no sitter for the kids. I went by myself. We were having marriage problems at this time so I was ok to go by myself I got a free night. Little did I lnow the unexpected would happen. I was drugged and raped that night. I still don't remember all the details about that night they come to me in bits and pieces at all different times. After 4 1/2 years I still hurt over this night and the choices that I made. After I was raped I don't remember much up until I was sitting in the foriensic lab being pocked and proded at. I felt like I was being raped all over again. I was then given pills for any kinds of STDs that I have may have come in contact with and then i was given a morning after pill. I choose not to take it at the office and then after crying and throwing up I made the choice to take the pills. I don't believe in killing an unborn child no matter how it comes to you but I took these pills and have regreted it ever since. The month after I had a really bad menstral cyle. I don't know wheather that was all or if it was a miscarige. Honestley I didn't want to. I couldn't live with myself if I did. I blame myself for that night and for the events that happened. i made the choices that I did and my fate was made. I didn't think I deserved good things in my life. I pushed my husband away and thought of evey negative thing that I could. I couldn't think of any positive in my life I didn't deserve it. I hurt family when I went to Texas and this was my pay back for choices that I had made in my life. I started to fell like I didn't deserve a good marriage or even my children. I made excusses and blamed my husband for everything bad in our life. I laid in bed at night and kept trying to remember and forget the tradgic details of that night. I found comfort in alcohol and drank when everyone was asleep or I would say I was staying late at work just to go to the bar and have a couple drinks. I thought this would hide the pain. I accused my husband of having an affair just to make it ok to leave him. I couldn't find happiness. 6 months later I moved to my parents and told my husband he couldn't have me back until we went through marriage counseling and parenting classes. We went threw these classes and counseling sections but I still didn't believe that I deserved happiness. For the first time in our marriage we had comunnication. I slowed down my drinking at this point, but I then picked up smoking and I ate and ate. I was over weight before, but I didn't think I deserved better. I still have not bared my real pain of that night what haunts me everyday of my life and what I have a hard time living with. Did I kill a living being. I have forgiven the person who raped me, but I can not seem to forgive myself for taking that pill. There are nights that I stay awake all night long wondering.
Then there is these two addictions that went hand and hand for me smoking and working. I threw myself into my work hoping that I would cover this pain. Finding an excuses to smoke when ever I could. I didn't believe that I would be good enough for my kids. I loved them and always have loved them, but work covered my pain, so I thought. When I almost lost Mikey last year my life turned upside down. a pack of cigs a day. I was Thankful that he was saved and only hasd a few bruises. I didn't understand though Why? how does a 5 year old get hit by a F350 and live to talk about it. I realized God forgave me and my son was very blessed. I still sometime stay up and think about the awful things in my life but I don't work and I don't smoke anymore. I just eat.
My life now couldn't be any better I have two beautiful children that I am lucky enough to home school and a husband who loves me so much I am trying to look at everything in a brighter more positive light. There are those days that I don't think I deserve it and I eat. I have an addiction to Food and it haunts me. I have to get past all my past emotional beggage so that I can be healthy enough to live and see my babies grow up. How do I stop eating when does food stop being comforting. Food has been my addiction since way back and I will find any excuse to eat. I eat when I am happy, sad, lonely and when I don't deserve anything I have.
Today I am getting rid of my emotional beggage and starting my life forgiving myself for this aweful night. I do deserve life. I deserve health and I deserve happiness. I am done being a victim I want my life back. And Food will not run it. "I can do anything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need."(Phillippians 4:13)
I am doing this with my loving husband he and I have made a bet with each other to see who looses the most weight. We will weigh each other each week who ever loses the most get a healthy dinner prepared by the other one. I am hoping this is a new beging to my life. Every day is a new day and is a gift thats why it is called the present. Yesturday is history and tomorrow is a mystery but today is a present. I am no longer living in the past.
Friday, January 16, 2009
In Loving Memory Of Elenor P. Allen
In Honor Of Elenor Allen August 28th, 1912- January 13th,2009

Grandma Allen was a wonderful woman. She was one of a kind. She was more than just a Grandma she was a mother, sister, firend, and grandmother to everyone she meat. When I was growing up I remember her taking us shoping every year before school to get new shoes and new clothes. And then again at easter time. Several times she would make new outfits for us. She was an amaizing woman. Every Sunday she would pick us four girls up for church and take us to church. She love Family and food. That means Family get togethers. If there was something to celebrate grandma would celebrate it. everyones Birthday and whn I say eveyone I mean everyone. She would celebrate all the holidays even Mothers day and fathers day. Family was important to her. She gave tramendously to the churches food pantry. She had to make sure everyone was feed. And how many Grandmas or great grandmas do you know that will sit on the floor and play with the kids. well thats my Grandma. Know She is with God and in my heart forever and she has deffinetly made an impression on me. Thank you God for Grandma and all the wonderfull memories.

Grandma Allen was a wonderful woman. She was one of a kind. She was more than just a Grandma she was a mother, sister, firend, and grandmother to everyone she meat. When I was growing up I remember her taking us shoping every year before school to get new shoes and new clothes. And then again at easter time. Several times she would make new outfits for us. She was an amaizing woman. Every Sunday she would pick us four girls up for church and take us to church. She love Family and food. That means Family get togethers. If there was something to celebrate grandma would celebrate it. everyones Birthday and whn I say eveyone I mean everyone. She would celebrate all the holidays even Mothers day and fathers day. Family was important to her. She gave tramendously to the churches food pantry. She had to make sure everyone was feed. And how many Grandmas or great grandmas do you know that will sit on the floor and play with the kids. well thats my Grandma. Know She is with God and in my heart forever and she has deffinetly made an impression on me. Thank you God for Grandma and all the wonderfull memories.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
What if God was one of us?
The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want
He makes me lie down in green
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the path of
For his name's sake.
Yea though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For you were with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the
presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercey shall follow me.
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
The Beatitudes
matthew 5: 3-11
Blessed are the poor in spirit
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn.
For they be comforted.
Blessed are the meek.
For they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful.
For they should obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they should be Called the sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted
for righteousness' sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Are you going to heaven or hell
The other day we had a friend of ours over and he noticed all the crosses and bible verses all over our house. Not to mention the twenty different bible that I have for some research that I am doing. Well he made a coment to us " if the devil ever comes you guys wont need an excorsist". Its actually pretty funny cause the devil is already here. Its your choice to go with the devil or follow Jesus. I also said it does not matter weather you have tons of crosses or bibles or pictures of Jesus all over your home. The Question is are you living the way God wants you to live. You can have 100 bible or you can have 1 bible are you reading it and living it or are they sitting on a shelf collecting dust. That how my bibles were sitting on a shelf collecting dust. I started reading my bible by just picking it up and ready one verse or two a week then I progressed to three or four a week. But this was not enough I wanted to know what these verses meant and why I was not living the way I was supposed to. If you just read the bible and not live it that is just as bad as not reading it at all. So are you going to heaven or hell? READ THE BIBLE AND FIND OUT.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Our God is and AWSOME GOD!
My Aunt sent this song to me a while back and the kids liked it so when we were oging through GodTube to find fun songs the kids asked me to put this on my bolg. So I happily granted their request. So what was shared with us is now being shared with you. Our God is an Awsoime God
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Don't Worry About Anything
Don't Worry About anything instead why don't you pray. This is what I have been doing lately. I haven't worried about much. Just been livv=ing life and it's been good.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
If your going through Hell
There have been some really tough times in my past and when I felt like I couldn't get through them I always prayed or through a fit and pulled my hair out. Some times I rolled up in a ball and just cried. There were times I would blame everyone. Its ok to go through hard times. It happens. Don't give up because its hard keep going. My Aunt Shelly gave me a few words and Bible Verses about going through tough times. And I have listen to this song when going through hard times. Weather your hard time is a broken nail or a broken back just remember God is there. Don't give up on him or your self.
1 peter 5 7-11 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. The many problems and demands of this life, which the Bible calls "the cares of this world," can easily overwhelm us if we let them. We feel we must do this or that; we must plan for this or that; we must somehow deal with this or that or THIS or THAT... The Bible recognizes this situation, and the difficulties it can cause.
Mark 4:19
"And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches,
and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and
it becometh unfruitful."
So what should we do when the cares of this world seem to close in on us, causing distress and confusion? WE SHOULD CAST OUR CARES ON JESUS! Jesus is our Lord and Saviour. We have given ourselves to Him, so we now belong to Him. He has been given all power in Heaven and Earth, so we should let Him take care of these things for us. We should let Him figure things out and tell us what to do. Our job is to do whatever He clearly tells us to do. His job is to arrange the big plans. We are overstepping our boundaries when we feel we have to figure everything out for ourselves.Matthew 11:29-31
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek
and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
John 14:27
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as
the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let it be afraid."
Romans 14:17
"For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness,
and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."
2 Thessalonians 3:16
"Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all
means. The Lord be with you all."
Philippians 4:6-7
"Be careful (filled with care, anxious) for nothing; but in
every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which
passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus."
1 Peter 5:6-7
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care
upon him; for he careth for you."
O Lord, when I feel troubled and distressed,
By all the cares and problems in this world,
I pray that You will calm my anxious mind, and give me peace within
I pray You take my cares away,
As I your servant cast them onto You.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
1 peter 5 7-11 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. The many problems and demands of this life, which the Bible calls "the cares of this world," can easily overwhelm us if we let them. We feel we must do this or that; we must plan for this or that; we must somehow deal with this or that or THIS or THAT... The Bible recognizes this situation, and the difficulties it can cause.
Mark 4:19
"And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches,
and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and
it becometh unfruitful."
So what should we do when the cares of this world seem to close in on us, causing distress and confusion? WE SHOULD CAST OUR CARES ON JESUS! Jesus is our Lord and Saviour. We have given ourselves to Him, so we now belong to Him. He has been given all power in Heaven and Earth, so we should let Him take care of these things for us. We should let Him figure things out and tell us what to do. Our job is to do whatever He clearly tells us to do. His job is to arrange the big plans. We are overstepping our boundaries when we feel we have to figure everything out for ourselves.Matthew 11:29-31
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek
and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
John 14:27
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as
the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let it be afraid."
Romans 14:17
"For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness,
and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."
2 Thessalonians 3:16
"Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all
means. The Lord be with you all."
Philippians 4:6-7
"Be careful (filled with care, anxious) for nothing; but in
every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which
passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus."
1 Peter 5:6-7
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care
upon him; for he careth for you."
O Lord, when I feel troubled and distressed,
By all the cares and problems in this world,
I pray that You will calm my anxious mind, and give me peace within
I pray You take my cares away,
As I your servant cast them onto You.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Its a Love Story
Romeo and Juliet is a popular William Shakespear story. It was one of my favorite stories that I learned in High School. Romeo and Juliet loved each other and because they came from two different families that did not like each other their parents kept them away from each other. At the end of the story Juliet took a poison to make her look dead and Romeo thought she was really dead and killed him self and then when Juliet woke up and saw he killed him self she killed herself. It was sad. This is not the part I like and what I am familar with. Let me tell you my love story.
I met my husband when he moved in next door to me. Our windows were by each other and we would talk out them all the time. Then I got pregnant with our daughter and the biggest issues were that I was not Catholic and he was not White. We were from two different types of families and his family wanted us to get married and my family kept telling me it was my choice. Well things got worse with the families and I had my daughter. She was my focus everything else didn't matter. When she was 18months Paul and I started talking again but everytime we did neither one of our parents liked it. We both kept getting grounded. So we moved in together so that we can be a family. And on Camilles 2nd birthday Paul says I spoke with your dad go pick out a white dress. You never have to be alone. It is a true Love story. This love story continues....................
Friday, January 2, 2009
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Does Jesus Love you?
Watch this and you will get your answer if you don't already know. Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This is how I ended my year
Say Cheese

Happy New Year From all the Kids

My Mom and Camille making advent ornements for the tree

The kids are decorating cookies it was a
funn mess. It was a lot of sugared up kids.

We played Uno for four hours

Paul Me and The kids playing Uno it was a blast.

The kids opening gift on Christmas morning
they were taking turns and sharing with each
other. Not gift counting like years in the past

Happy New Year From all the Kids
My Mom and Camille making advent ornements for the tree
The kids are decorating cookies it was a
funn mess. It was a lot of sugared up kids.
We played Uno for four hours
Paul Me and The kids playing Uno it was a blast.
The kids opening gift on Christmas morning
they were taking turns and sharing with each
other. Not gift counting like years in the past
What is your New Years resolution?
Last year at this time I was managing a hair salon and trying to juggle 20 things at a time. I thought that I was showing my children that you can do anything that you put your mind to (i was teaching them that money was the most important thing in our lives). I always get depressed this time of year because, I am alway working and trying to find time to spend with my children during their Christmas break, but it never happened. Every time my job said jump I said how high and every time my husband or children said jump I said later I am to tiered. I was upset at my husband for not supporting us when I just couldn't put him first. He was doing all he could and I was just to selfish wanting it all. i wanted managenment so bad that I didn't care what it was doing to my family. Last year I made a resolution to be a better manager and lose weight. Well it is the end of the year and I am a stay at home mom and I homeschool my children. I have been threw a lot of trails and errors this year but when it comes down to it I got what I asked for. I am a better manager (Of my home) and I did lose weight ( the weight of a stressful job). It amazing how that worked. Well I finally had a wonderful Christmas. I have to say it was one of the best ever. And this year as the clock srikes 12 I will be holding my children and husband and making a new resolution I hope that in the year of 2009 I get to know my children and husband and spend every moment I can with them. What you resolution. Is it greed or greatness.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Santa Clause is not Coming to town
This year is the first year my husband and I are unable to give to our children for christmas. I have really come to realize the true meaning of this holiday is not Santa is is JESUS. My baby sister has told me that so that the kids do not have to go without she would provide gifts for us to mark FROM SANTA under our tree so the kids do not have to go with out a christmas. I apprieciate my sister so much however I plan on telling the kids the truth of where the gifts came from Their Aunt Kaity not Santa. we have in the past month been learning the true meaning of christmas and I use to think the idea of Santa was fun and harmless but Santa is evil. I will enjoy christmas with my kids with or with out gifts. I love my christmas tree this year because we have made it an advent tree and hung several bible verses on it learning a new story or two every day. This has truely been fun and the most memorable christmas ever. I am not dreading Christmas this year like every year. I say bring it on Let JESUS be born and lets learn about his birth and his miricles. It only takes one person to get ride of SANTA and accept JESUS and the rest will follow. How can any one resist our Savior.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Money, Money, Money!
I am sick of money it is the root of every problem. You or your spouse works till you drop at a job you may or may not enjoy. Then when you get you pay check from that job you can barley support you family with that money cause Uncle Sam has taken half of it already. Then when you put your money in the bank for safe keeping it is not even safe there. The courts and the banks allow and person or company that you owe debt to to come in and garnesh that whole bank account leaving you and you family with out anything to live off of. Well this is what I think God will always find a way. for you no matter what just trust in him and money wont matter. I have come up with a simple logic to all of this money madness.
Jesus healed the sick....... he got hung on the cross
Doctor heal the sick......... they get half your pay check or more
Jesus made the blind see........ He got hund on the cross
Doctors help the blind see........ They get half you pay check or more
Jesus listen to our problems.......... He got hung on the cross
Doctors listen to our problems......... They get half our pay check or more
Jesus was born............. He got hung on the cross
Santa was born................ he takes half our pay check or more
Jesus Died on the Cross for us
We wait up on Christmas Eve for Santa who proffits off of Jesus.
Instead of Worshiping Santa This year Why Don't we Worship our Savior Jesus Christ.
He did a lot for us with out worry of MONEY. So why do we need MONEY to believe in him. God has truely blessed me in many different ways he loves and protects my children every day. I would like to do the same for him and love and protect his son that died for me. What are you doing christmas eve. I am picking up the bible and learning something new about my savior. Then I will make him milk and cookies not SANTA.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Jesus
Are you Celebrating Christmas or Jesus's birthday. We don't know the excact date that Jesus was born or the day he died. What we know is that he is Gods son and he gave his life for our sins. What are you doing to celebrate Jesus's life. Have you accepted God into your heart. Do you live the way Jesus would like you to live. Maybe that would be a good birthday gift to Jesus. Pick up your Bible turn to a page and start reading then apply what you read to your life. Do this everyday in remembrance of him. Jesus is our Savior. John 3:16 tells us that God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that who soever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. Ask you self one thing "If you were to get hit by a bus today would you have eternal life"?
Friday, December 5, 2008
welcome our new leader
Please watch this and tell me what you think cause I don't know what to think of this.
what are you thankful for
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